Finally I am updating the site.
I've recently joined the Jacketflap online community for childrens books and created a new blog to feed to it.The new blog "Lach's Progress" is a necessary thing because some of the games concept type work I do is a bit mature in content.
Currently I'm working on another book for Eleanor Curtain Publishing.
Earlier in March I also completed a series of images, some of which are here and here, for a company called Stratergee for their book(let) called "Surviving the Winter". It is due to be released right about now.
Although I keep getting diverted by work (and the search for work), I will be again working on concept style work in the interim periods. (I will be trying to create new work to establish my profile on the CG Hub community.)

Importantly also on the business side, I will be adopting practices and basic contract terms derived from those of the AIGA .Their book "Professional practices in Graphic Design" ,although focusing on graphic designers, is absolutely applicable to illustrators and concept artists,- I recommend it.


11/08 - 30/02/09
In mid November 08 I attended the Marama Concept Art event in Wellington. Some of the sketches I produced there from the live models are here. The drawing of the girls on the dragon was created on 9 xA3 pages in about 2 hrs.
In December through to mid February I worked for Weldon Owen Publishing on a series of pitch images for a 'first word book'. The images are quite detailed and hopefully they would sit well next to the rest of Weldon Owen's lovely books. Hopefully all goes well in their sales tour and the whole book is greenlit.

I began work on "Surviving the Winter" for Stratergee in January 09.


I've completed the illustration work for Macmillan and for Eleanor Curtain Publishing, and I look forward to seeing the finished product.
Now I can properly focus again on the web site and concept art,- and 3d
as advertised :) .
I took part in the Illustrators Australia 9x5 exhibition in Melbourne on October 2. Unfortunately I didn't sell but I recieved a relatively large number of online views. I have begun a number of acrylic paintings focusing on artwork for children(and a few watercolours too.)
I recently attended the Concept to Creation conference at AFTRS featuring Ron Cobb. It was small, but the advantage of that was the unfettered access to Ron Cobb himself.
I'll be attending the Conceptart.org Wellington event in November as well.